Event Partners
We are delighted to be working once again with the following leading organisations as event partners of Procurex Scotland, all of whom will be exhibiting on the day.
Scottish Government
Scottish Government Procurement Pavilion

The public sector spends over £14.5 billion a year on goods and services across the public sector. This provides an excellent platform to work with the public, private and third sectors to “deliver procurement that improves public services for a prosperous, fairer and more sustainable Scotland.” Public procurement is a key partner and enabler to deliver Scotland’s economic strategy. We invest in our people, infrastructure and assets in a sustainable way, encourage innovation, and promote inclusive growth Legislation has re-enforced the principles of the Scottish Model of Procurement. It maintains the ethos of the public procurement reform programme – business friendly, socially responsible procurement that delivers better outcomes for Scotland. Our public procurement contracts are amongst the most accessible in the world for micro, small and medium size organisations. We are providing opportunities for Scotland’s small and medium sized enterprises and third sector organisations to benefit through public sector business both domestically and in other countries.
Scotland Excel
Scottish Government Procurement Pavilion

Scotland Excel is recognised by the Scottish Government as the Centre of Procurement Expertise (CoE) for the local government sector. Established in 2008, it is a shared service funded by all 32 Scottish councils and offers its members a range of collaborative contracts, learning and development, consultancy, change management services and commercial expertise. Its services are designed to support the sustainable delivery of essential public services and generate social, environmental and economic benefits for Scotland’s communities. Scotland Excel’s £2bn contract portfolio supports the delivery of social care, construction, roads, transport, waste, corporate, education and ICT services, and achieves annual savings of c. £13m to the public sector.
APUC (Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges)
Scottish Government Procurement Pavilion

APUC Ltd (Advanced Procurement for Universities & Colleges) is one of the six Centres of Procurement Expertise formed as a result of the McClelland Review of Public Procurement in Scotland, published in March 2006. The not-for-profit company was created in January 2007, and is owned by Scotland’s 60 universities and colleges. It operates entirely in the interests of these institutional stakeholders. By working jointly as one team with client institutions, APUC supports the embedding and consistent application of good procurement practice within Scotland's universities and colleges, incorporating EU Directives in the tendering process. APUC‘s aim is to maximise the contribution that advanced procurement makes to Scotland's investment in teaching, research, and knowledge transfer so that institutions can deliver more with the funds that they have available. Not only does APUC conduct tenders on behalf of their members, it also looks to maximise savings by collaborating with the other consortia and sectors by promoting relevant agreements to their members. In this way, APUC facilitates the TPL agreements to the Scottish Higher and Further Education Sector. apuc-scot.ac.uk
NHS National Services Scotland
Scottish Government Procurement Pavilion

NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) provides national strategic support services and expert advice to NHSScotland in order to ‘support Scotland’s health’. NSS National Procurement provides a single procurement service for NHSScotland, using years of experience in procurement in order to achieve the best results for customers and deliver maximum savings.
Crown Commercial Service
Scottish Government Procurement Pavilion

Every buying decision you make has the power to make a difference and Crown Commercial Service (CCS) can help you with those decisions. Come along to hear from CCS’s leaders on everything from social value and sustainability, to tips and advice on how they can support you with your buying needs. Our solutions offer value for money, while also helping to support your policy needs. We take the pressure out of procurement so that you can focus on what matters most - improving health care, public services, transport, local communities, the environment and so much more.
Transport Scotland
Stand Number: 61

Transport Scotland is the national transport agency for Scotland and forms part of the Scottish Government. We are directly accountable to Scottish Ministers for transport policy and operations within Scotland. As set out in the National Transport Strategy, our vision is for a sustainable, inclusive, safe and accessible transport system helping deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland for communities, businesses and visitors. Learn more about what we do on our website. https://www.transport.gov.scot/
Social Enterprise Scotland
Stand Number: 35

Social Enterprise Scotland is The Voice of Social Enterprise - uniting social enterprises and their supporters into a strong campaigning force. We are the national membership body for social enterprises, influencing policy makers and raising the public profile of social enterprise in Scotland.
Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS)
Stand Number: 64

We are CIPS, the global membership organisation for procurement and supply, driving positive change across our profession. We lead in education and training. We provide information and tools. And we help build capability within organisations. Through all our work, we are the voice and standard, building a global network to power our profession. Join us.
Supplier Development Programme (SDP)
Stand Number: 65

The Supplier Development Programme (SDP) provides Scottish public bodies with dedicated resources to support local supplier bidding capabilities, increasing visibility of contract opportunities & frameworks and connecting buyers and suppliers to open up the supply chain, facilitating local Community Wealth Building. Visit sdpscotland.co.uk for more information.
The Procurement People of Tomorrow (PPoT)
Stand Number: 44

Procurement People of Tomorrow (PPoT) is a Scotland-wide partnership programme, involving both the public and private sector, that aims to create our ‘future’ procurement and commercial talent. Our vision is to leave a sustainable legacy for the procurement profession in Scotland by growing our own talent to address industry-wide skills shortages.
Ministry of Defence
Stand Number: 53

The MOD buys a diverse range of equipment, products and services through a variety of organisations. Some of the items the MOD procures are very defence centric, such as submarines or fighter jets, but the majority of what we buy can also be bought in adjacent sectors. Hard and soft facilities management, recruitment services, IT consumables, uniform, office consumables, MOD has a need for all of this, so if you do not currently supply MOD, there might be opportunities for you.
Stand Number: 17

CivTech is a tech accelerator launched in 2016 by the Scottish Government. Its aims are simple: to create better public services for citizens while boosting Scotland’s economy by helping innovative companies launch new products with global potential. Public sector organisations bring CivTech ‘problems’ that could be solved with technology. CivTech then turn these into ‘Challenges’ and invites anyone to propose a solution. Successful applicants are given funding, intensive support and space at the CivTech Studio, where they spend four months working hand in hand with their Challenge Sponsors to build a prototype or ‘Minimum Viable Product’. For public sector organisations, CivTech offers a route to develop highly innovative products and services in a fast, efficient and safe way, using private sector systems such as open challenges and tech accelerators. In a tech world that is increasingly fast paced and ever-changing, CivTech solves the problem of ‘how to procure what you don’t know exists’. For innovator and entrepreneurs – especially those in the SME area – it offers a unique opportunity to engage with the public sector and win contracts from major organisations. It’s the chance to ‘solve a problem, build a business’. For everyone CivTech offers a great way to develop innovation in a collaborative, cost-effective and managed environment that puts the needs of the user first.
Service Graphics
Stand Number: 39

Service Graphics are the UK's largest provider of high impact visual communications solutions. Our dedicated team of creative experts work across a wide variety of sectors, delivering bespoke graphic production and installations for projects ranging from Event & Exhibitions, Signage and Wayfinding, Retail Branding, Building Wraps and Office Interiors. Come and speak to one of our advisors to discuss your next branding project.
PASS Procurement
Market Engagement Hub

PASS procurement consultants present at over one hundred conferences and events each year as well as delivering in-house training and consultancy for both public and private sector clients. Our training sessions are designed to cover the legal requirements of public procurement in a non-legalistic manner, using real life examples to help simplify the rules. Thousands of organisations, public and private, have already benefited from PASS best practice tendering/procurement events and advice. Whether you work within public sector procurement or tender for public sector contracts, PASS can help you improve your efficiency and effectiveness.
Market Engagement Hub

Tracker is the only end-to-end business development solution with the unique intelligence you need to find, bid for and win more business. With access to Europe’s largest database of opportunities and competitive insights – you can engage earlier to sell more effectively and win more business. And Tracker’s just got even better – now you can also upload opportunity documents and manage your bid responses all in the one place. Focus on winning business – not looking for it.
Market Engagement Hub

At Supply2Gov, we have one goal – to make business growth simpler for sole traders, micro and small businesses. Powered by the UK and Republic of Ireland’s largest database of public sector contract notices and awards, combined with our daily email alerts sent straight to your inbox, we’ve made it as easy as possible for you to find relevant opportunities as soon as they become available – giving you more time to focus on putting your bids together and growing your business. You can register for a free local area of your choice or take advantage of our flexible monthly payment options – giving you a no risk, scalable, cost effective contract alerts service option.
Market Engagement Hub

Delta eSourcing enables efficient, effective and compliant procurement. Utilised by thousands of public sector buyers every day, its Buyer Portal, Tender Manager, Supplier Manager, Contract Manager and eAuctions services can be used independently or else combined to form a comprehensive and effective end-to-end procurement solution. In challenging times, Delta eSourcing delivers transparency, compliance and value for money.
Cadence Marketing
Official Marketing Partner

At Cadence Marketing, we understand the importance of data in the public sector and have built a comprehensive database of over 200,000 contacts across 31,600 organisations, including Central Government, Local Government, NHS, Education, MOD, and Emergency Services. We love helping businesses connect with public sector buyers through targeted marketing solutions. Whether you’re looking to boost your email campaigns, do some market research, host a webinar, or create some killer content, we’ve got you covered. Reach the right people, stay up-to-date, make informed decisions and improve your win rate.